Facts One Should Understand Regarding Bail Bonds
Whenever you are accused of a given crime, getting arrested and having your time in jail can be one astonishing and unfamiliar experience you can have in place. All the same, it is critical noting that you are all through innocent until you are proven guilty of any given matter. A judge may allow you to get released until the day of healing of your case or the day of trial. All the same, the judge may order you to provide a guarantee that you are going to return to face the charges against you before you are released out of custody. This form of security is referred to as the bail bond.
Usually, a bail bond is brought to the court in the form of property, cash, a signature bond, a secured bind through a surety company or even a combination form. During the bail hearing, it is vital noting that this is when the bail bond is set. At this time, the judge meets the person accused of any given case and hears the case to determine whether to offer the bail or not. If at any case a bail bond in the form of property or the secured bonds is considered by the judge, then it is vital noting that the judge will need to have details about the defendant's financial resources. Also, he can get details on the sources of the bond and the property that is to be used as the bail bond, you can also read more now!
If it is a surety that is involved in this process, he should be present at the bail hearing alongside the defendant. During this time, the judge will inform both of them on the obligations and the responsibilities they are to have in place concerning the bail bond of the defendant. If at any case the defendant fails to present all the responsibilities given to him or at any case revokes any of the set conditions, the bail might be revoked, visit this website for more info!
Thus, as a surety, it is always a good idea to have confidence with the defendant before having the bail in place. On having the bail set, you need to take note of the various options that are in place and settle for the best option. For the case of the signature bail, it is vital noting that no fund is needed as security and the only thing the defendant is to do is to sign some forms for the reason of being released. Read more claims about bail bonds at http://www.britannica.com/topic/bail-law.